Arrival of the Tour de l’Ain cycle race at La Plaine Tonique on 31 July

This year, Plaine Tonique will be hosting the finish of the Tour de l’Ain, during the first stage of the cycling race on the 31st of July.

You’ll be able to enjoy the following events on site

  • Broadcast of the race on a giant screen
  • Arrival of the Tour de l’Ain cadets
  • Arrival of the publicity caravan (forty vehicles with goodies)
  • Arrival of the professional riders
  • Official ceremony and musical entertainment
  • Interviews, autographs and riders’ paddocks

Provisional timetable

  • Set up of the finish area and village: from 8am
  • Cadet race finish: approx. 2.39pm, depending on race pace
  • Arrival of the publicity caravan: 3.10pm
  • Arrival of the professionals: between 3.42pm and 4pm depending on the pace of the race

Access to the site

  • Exceptionally, the Plaine Tonique exit will be closed.
  • Access to and from the site will be by temporary two-way traffic: security guards and the gendarmerie will be on hand to guide users.
  • Access to La Plaine Tonique will be possible all day long from the Montrevel-en-Bresse traffic lights, except between 2.30pm and 4.30pm: partial road closures will take place during this time to evacuate the riders, publicity caravan and organisers.
  • Coming from Etrez, the RD 28 will be closed all day and a diversion via Malafretaz will be put in place to access La Plaine Tonique via Montrevel-en-Bresse.
  • We recommend that our campers travel off site in the morning and/or plan their arrival at the campsite before 2.30pm or after 5pm.